Forest Springs

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Special HOA Meeting Announcement Regarding the Forest Springs Club
Posted on Sep 5th, 2023
August 31, 2023
Dear Forest Springs Resident:
The purpose of this letter is to inform you of a Special Meeting of the Forest Springs Homeowners Association.  
Date of the Meeting: September 19, 2023
Time of the Meeting: 7:00 PM (check-in starts at 6:15 PM so please try to arrive early)
Location of the Meeting: St Aloysius School Gym @ 122 Mount Mercy Dr, Pewee Valley, KY 40056
Purpose of the Meeting: Discussion and voting regarding (i) the HOA’s purchase and mortgaging of the Forest Springs Club, including the clubhouse and pool (the “Property”), (ii) a special assessment to fund the acquisition costs, and (iii) an amendment to the HOA’s 2023/2024 budget to cover costs of ownership. 
The current owner of the Property has decided to cease operating it as a pool and clubhouse at the end of this summer. The owner has entered into a contract to sell the Property to a third party for $875,000. The Board has received information that the purchaser intends to remove the pool and clubhouse and develop the Property. The Board is attempting to obtain more information from the purchaser regarding its plans for the Property, but has not received any definitive details at this time. 
The HOA has a right of first refusal to purchase the Property on the same or substantially similar terms as those contained in the current purchase contract. At this meeting, the residents will vote on (i) whether to authorize the Board to enter into a purchase contract and proceed with acquiring the Property, (ii) whether to authorize the Board to grant mortgages against the HOA’s property to secure any necessary third-party financing, (iii) whether to reject any special assessment determined by the Board as necessary to fund acquisition costs, and (iv) whether to reject any amendment to the HOA’s 2023/2024 budget determined by the Board as necessary to cover costs of ownership. Residents representing at least 61 households would need to attend the meeting in person or through a proxy in order to have a quorum to take action. Two-thirds of households in attendance would need to vote in favor of the HOA’s purchase and mortgaging of the Property in order to proceed. A majority (51%) of the households in the entire neighborhood would need to vote against any special assessment or budget amendment in order to reject those items.
This is an in-person meeting and there will not be a virtual option to attend. If you cannot attend the meeting in person and would like to give your proxy to a neighbor to vote on your behalf, please contact the HOA at with your name and address, and the name and address of the resident who will cast your vote. 
In order to be admitted into the meeting, you must have a picture ID with your home address. Residents who are not current on their HOA dues can attend the meeting but will not be able to vote. No money will be collected at the door for unpaid dues. One vote per household. 
At this time the Board is still assembling financial information related to the potential purchase.  That information will be provided at the meeting and, time permitting, in advance of the meeting via email and by posting to the Forest Springs website ( If you are not registered on the Forest Springs website as a member to receive emails from the Board, please go to The register link is under the picture to the right. Contact if you have questions on how to register.
Forest Springs HOA Board
Forest Springs Mailbox Summer Special
Posted on May 22nd, 2022
All Forest Springs homeowners are responsible for keeping their mailbox clean, painted and in compliance with the approved HOA mailbox design. The mailbox design originally approved by the developer and subsequently endorsed by the Forest Springs HOA includes: a post with finial, a mailbox, a paper box mounted below the mailbox and a decorative scroll mounted below the paper box, all painted glossy black and white reflective numerals of a specific font. Click here for an example of the approved mailbox. If your mailbox doesn't look like the picture, then you are most likely in need some repairs or maybe even a replacement.  (Please note that decorative covers are part of the approved design and should not be used.)
Message for Code Red Emergency Notification Subscribers
Posted on Aug 31st, 2016
From Councilman Glen Stuckel's August 30, 2016 eNewsletter:
The Code Red emergency notification system many of you used recently ceased providing communications to Louisville subscribers. Current subscribers of that system will need to register at for the new emergency notification system called LENSAlert.

In addition to receiving emergency notifications, individuals can use this web site to create a profile for themselves and their household to include any information they want first responders to know in the event of an emergency. When individuals make an emergency call, their safety profile is automatically displayed to the 911 call taker, allowing them to send the right responders to the right location with the right information. Information about medical history, allergies to medications, number of residents in the home, and even a picture of the family dog can be added to this profile.
Smoke Detectors
Posted on Aug 31st, 2016
From Middletown Fire Protection District:
We all have heard the saying “Change your Clock Change your Battery”.  Did you know that smoke detectors have an expiration date, the next time you change your battery on your detectors look for a date on the bottom of the detector.  Most all detectors have a ten year recommendation for replacement.
For more information you can contact Captain Tony Hairgrove at 502-245-7555 or email him at
Posted on Jun 9th, 2016

You probably know most thieves gain entry to your home through your front door. But, did you know the second most used method is through a first floor window? Almost 10%of thieves enter through the garage! LMPD's 8th Division has offered some tips to help you better protect your home from theft.
Lock all windows and doors (don’t forget that interior garage door!)
Turn on exterior lights
Install deadbolts to all entry doors if possible
Trim trees and bushes away from windows
Remove objects in your yard that could be used to gain entry (tools, ladders, bricks, etc.)
Get to know your neighbors

Theft from vehicles is another area where citizens can make things harder for would-be criminals.
Make sure all vehicle windows are up and doors are locked
Do not leave your vehicle running unattended
Park in your garage if possible
Purses, wallets, cell phones, guns, and GPS systems are prime targets and should not be left in your vehicle
Do not hide a key in your car or under the hood
If you must keep items you have purchased in your vehicle, place them in the trunk
Kentucky 811
Posted on Apr 19th, 2016
Building a deck, planting a tree or putting up a fence?  Before you dig for any reason, remember to always call 811.  Calling 811 before you dig not only ensures you won't damage valuable electrical equipment but also keeps you from harm.  Call 811 - its the law!
Carbon Monoxide Tips
Posted on Jan 19th, 2016
From the Middletown Fire Protection District
Carbon Monoxide is a toxic gas, but, being colorless, odorless, tasteless, and non-irritating, it is very hard to detect. Carbon Monoxide is a product of incomplete combustion of gasoline, natural gas and propane or improper ventilation of these gases.  Symptoms may include headaches and flu like effects; larger exposures can lead to significant toxicity of the central nervous system. (you may have trouble keeping your balance or walking). Prolonged exposure can even cause death.  There is only one way to detect carbon monoxide and that is with a UL listed detector.  There are several of these available to choose from at your local retail stores.  The electric with battery backup and digital read out is one of the most preferred.
For more information you can contact Captain Dave Dittmer at 502-245-7555 or
Exit Drills In The Home (EDITH)
Posted on Jan 19th, 2016
From Chief Jeffrey Riddle, Middletown Fire Protection District
Did you know that it is a State law that all school systems must have fire drills?  They conduct fire drills to ensure that every student knows a primary and a secondary route to exit the building.  After exiting the building the teachers make sure that all of the students are accounted for.